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Informing Voters

Identify false information online. Stations should exercise caution before relying on online information for news reports. Train staff to better distinguish between accurate and inaccurate information online to ensure trustworthy news reports. Several resources for journalists are listed here.

Get educated. To assist with accurate reporting, ensure your team understands the laws surrounding elections in your state. This Poynter article includes information for reporters that are helping voters distinguish between the real facts and the rumors that swirl online.

Partner with fact-checking organizations to verify viral election information and statements made by candidates. Ask viewers and listeners to submit statements, topics and issues they want fact-checked. The Society of Professional Journalists provides fact-checking resources at

Sponsor or host a debate. Debates inform voters on where local candidates stand on the issues. Stream all debates and let your audience submit questions through your website or on social media. Feature debate highlights in newscasts and online video segments, and provide post-debate analysis.

Host conversations between candidates and voters. Invite candidates to answer questions from voters and host virtual debates. Air the discussions during newscasts, on your station's website and social media.

Help voters understand all sides of ballot and referendum issues. Host discussions with experts offering nonpartisan information.

Run candidate profiles. Inform voters about their Election Day choices by airing regular profiles on those running for office. Make candidate profiles easily accessible and comparable from your station's website and link to resources like and


PSAs are a great way to share messages about the importance of voting. On-air talent can read the scripts below or tailor them for your market. Fully produced TV and radio spots are available here.

Your voice, your vote: 10

Your vote is your voice. And it has the power to make our democracy stronger. Vote on November 5 and let your voice be heard. This is a public service announcement from (STATION).

For the people: 15

Our democracy is a government of the people, for the people. Let's keep it that way. Get registered. Seek out reliable reporting on the candidates and issues. Cast your vote on November 5. It's that simple. This is a public service announcement from (STATION).

Every vote counts: 15

From the top to the bottom of your ballot, every vote counts. Get registered, get the facts and cast your vote on November 5. It's your chance to make a difference. Learn more at (STATION ELECTION URL or This is a public service announcement from (STATION).

It's personal: 20

Elections aren't about the candidates. They're about you. You have a personal stake in our democracy. If you want to have a say in what happens to your country - your community - your future - then register to vote, seek out reliable reporting on the issues the issues and cast your ballot on November 5. This is a public service announcement from (STATION).

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