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Get Out the Vote

Share voter options and updates. Direct listeners and viewers to tools that provide polling locations and hours. Provide deadlines and procedures for early voting and absentee ballots (check Keep voters informed of any changes due to the pandemic.

Let voters know what to expect at the polls. Discuss voting laws, ID requirements and procedures used at polling places. Highlight accommodations for people with disabilities or for people for whom English is a second language. The League of Women Voters website,, has up to date polling information.

Spotlight voter questions. Bring in local officials to provide answers to voter questions and keep a running FAQ on the election section of your station's website and social media feeds.

Make it personal. When on-air personalities show they care about voting, others in the community will, too. Use talent in your PSAs and on Election Day have reporters wear I Voted buttons or t-shirts. Ask a political question of the day or establish an issue of the day.

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