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September 21, 2018
Dennis Wharton
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Local Newscast Viewership Increases During Hurricane Florence

WASHINGTON, DC -- Nearly one million more residents in the Charlotte, Greensboro and Raleigh areas of North Carolina tuned into local newscasts on broadcast TV stations last week than the previous week as Hurricane Florence approached the East Coast and made landfall in the Carolinas, according to data from ratings measurement service Nielsen.

Based on data provided to the National Association of Broadcasters, between September 10 and 16, over 4.7 million residents in Charlotte, Greensboro and Raleigh watched a local newscast. That was up 21.0% from the previous week, when 3.8 million viewers watched local newscasts in the same markets.*

“These Nielsen ratings again highlight the critical ‘first informer’ role of local broadcasting during emergencies,” said NAB President and CEO Gordon Smith. “As we've seen time and again, communities across the country rely on their local radio and TV stations for timely and lifesaving information. We applaud broadcasters who were in the path of Hurricane Florence for their continuous efforts to inform listeners and viewers.”

*Source: Nielsen Local TV View. Week periods based on 9/3/18-9/9/18 and 9/10/18-9/16/18. Charlotte estimates exclude 9/14. Raleigh estimates exclude 9/14-9/16.
Local News includes all local broadcast news programs aired across the following affiliates: ABC, NBC, CBS, FOX, CW, IND, TEL, UNI. Based on the Live+Same Day data stream.

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