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October 9, 2015
Dennis Wharton
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NAB Statement on Letter from Senate Committee Leadership to FCC on Exclusivity Rules

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- In response to a letter from Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley (R-IA) and Ranking Member Patrick Leahy (D-VT) and Senate Commerce Committee Chairman John Thune (R-SD) and Ranking Member Bill Nelson (D-FL), the following statement can be attributed to NAB Executive Vice President of Communications Dennis Wharton:

"NAB greatly appreciates the leadership and concerns raised by Chairmen Grassley and Thune, and Ranking Members Leahy and Nelson over the FCC’s proposal to eliminate program exclusivity rules. These rules sustain a broadcast business model built on localism and competition that is a great American success story. We further support the interest expressed by all four of these respected members of Congress in a holistic rather than piecemeal legislative approach to this issue. NAB pledges to work with both Committees on legislation that ensures the appropriate balance between the copyright and communications aspects of this issue. Today's letter adds to the recent FCC outreach from Senators Schumer and Feinstein as well as Congressional Black Caucus leadership, and signals clear congressional opposition to its proposal."

Sen. Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) sent a letter to the FCC yesterday as well in support of preserving the broadcast exclusivity rules until the completion of a Government Accountability Office report on the issue that is due in mid-2016.

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